Friday, March 13, 2009


It seems like it has been forever since I wrote my last blog but I have good reasons why I have not been able to. Last tuesday night Kaylor (my 3mth old) was admitted into Baptist Health hospital with a severe Urinary tract infection. It was one of the most horrific experiences of my life. It took the nurses 3 ours to find a vein to start an iv in. The spot they finally stuck her in was on her forehead, evertime I looked at it I wanted to cry, and most of the time I did. Kaylor was poked on more then i could have ever imagined. On wednesday we went for lots of testing including an ultra sound that possibly found kidney reflux in her left kidney ( which will be offically diagnosed on march 26th at children's hospital). We were released from the hospital on thursday with a strong antibotic for 10 days and instructions to watch her very carefully. She has slowly gotten better and is acting like my loving 3mth old again. I just hate that she has had such a rough start with life so far, I can only hope that it gets better the older she gets. I am once again so very thankful for all the prayers that were said for us and for all the prayer lists that we have been added to. OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD AND I AM MADE AWARE OF THAT EVERY SINGLE DAY!!

From the day you were placed into my tummy to grow I knew I had a love for you that could only be explained by a mother. This is such an over baring love, one that is kind, honest, forgiving, respectful, regretful, hopeful, and more giving than i could have ever hoped for. You are a precious gift from God, my little miracle. As your mother I will do my best to show you all the love I possibly can. A mother's love is one of the greatest I have ever known and I am truly blessed to have you in my life and to be able to care for and love you for all the days of my life.
I Love you Kaylor GEM!!!